Music - TOP 10 - Movies


dimanche 17 février 2008

Fool's Gold - l'Amour de l'Or

Fool's Gold - l'Amour de l'Or

Cast :

Kate Hudson as Tess Finnegan
Matthew McConaughey as Ben 'Finn' Finnegan
Donald Sutherland as Nigel

Ewen Bremner as Alfonz
Roger Sciberras as Andras

English :Ben “Finn” Finnegan (Matthew McConaughey) is an affable, modern-day treasure hunter who is obsessed with finding the legendary 18th century Queen’s Dowry—40 chests of priceless treasure that was lost at sea in 1715. In his quest, Finn has sunk everything he has, including his marriage to Tess (Kate Hudson).

Just as Tess has begun to rebuild her life, working aboard a mega-yacht owned by billionaire Nigel Honeycutt (Donald Sutherland), Finn discovers a vital clue to the treasure’s whereabouts. Much to Tess’ consternation, Finn maneuvers himself aboard Nigel’s yacht and, using his roguish charm, convinces the tycoon and his celebutante daughter, Gemma (Alexis Dziena), to join him in the pursuit of the Spanish riches. Even Tess can’t resist the lure of finally uncovering the treasure that had eluded them for so long.

Français : Un couple de chasseurs de trésors se lance sur la piste d'un magot légendaire. Mais après huit ans de recherches infructueuses, ils finissent par divorcer. Jusqu'à ce qu'un nouvel indice les rapproche à nouveau....

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